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I'm a white trans bi guy living in Washington, DC in the US. I'm in my early 20s and use he/him pronouns. Like I mentioned I'm new to coding even more common and easy to approach languages like html and css but I've got a lot of free time to learn. I studied political science and sociology in undergrad and now work in higher edu, but like I just started so I don't really have my footing. On a similar note, I also moved to DC for a job, and even though I grew up pretty close to it, I don't have a lot (any) of friends here living here. I've also really struggled to make friends online. So if you're at all inclined to make a friend I'm pretty open.
Politically speaking, I don't really have a super strong lable to what I am. I'm definetly pretty far left. I sometimes hesitate to call myself leftist because I worry a lot about a lot of the folks that would be left behind (as in basically every revolution the most disenfrancised remain as they are, and its really only some middle class and working class folks that benefit) not to mention the sheer amount that either fail or become authoritarian from the rapid modernization of economies. I've found myself being better at describing ideals I support than full labels. Those including but not limited to:
This however still has some hiccups in it. I think for one part of me has trouble seeing whats beyond capitalism. Like I can imagine a future where small communities are more or less self-sufficiant but I have trouble seeing something greater than that. Maybe its because I don't really read that kind of theory but I'm still hesitant to let go of it for fear that we won't have anything to replace it if the revolutionTM were to ever happen. That being said, I think capitalism is aborrent and it is illogical to think that a system that rewards self-benefit over all else would do much other than harm all aspects of human life. On a similar note, I struggle with praxis. Maybe that's me downplaying what I do and having too high of goals for myself, especially since I'm tring to find community in a new place, but I fear I'm all talk. Like maybe I benefit friends but I don't do much. I am working on that, trying to use my skills to benefit others and join various different organizations.